Category Archives: Automotive & Industrial

Best Radar Detectors

Escort RedLine Radar DetectorWe did the research to find the best radar detectors from top brands like Escort, Valentine One, and Beltronics. If you want to avoid speeding tickets then a good quality model is a must, but remember that in some states they are illegal. We break down how they work and what you need to know in our radar detector buying guide.

Best GPS Navigation Systems

Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT Are you shopping for a GPS navigation system. Before you purchase take a look at our list of the top 10 best GPS navigation systems to compare the top models, view the buying guide, and find the lowest price.

Best Windshield Wiper Blades

Bosch Clear Advantage Beam Wiper Blade

Are your current windshield wiper blades worn out or not getting the job done? Experts recommend replacing them every 6-12 months, but before you buy make sure you see our reviews of the best windshield wiper blades. You can see which one performs well in the worst possible conditions and compare prices to find the best value.